nicholas agbo


Multi-skilled Creative Professional

Full-Stack Developer with 7 years of web development experience. Expertise in Next.js, React, TypeScript, and JavaScript. Skilled in SASS/Tailwind CSS and Web3 development.

My Work

This section is about my work

Web Developer

Proven web developer with a strong foundation in core technologies and a passion for staying current with emerging trends. Adept at tackling complex web development challenges and delivering high-quality solutions. Highly motivated by the coding process itself.

UI/UX Designer

Leveraging my combined experience as a UI/UX designer and design educator, I possess a deep understanding of user-centered design principles. This allows me to create intuitive and visually appealing interfaces that meet user needs and business goals.

Graphic Designer/Tutor

With a 9-year design career, I craft compelling visuals for clients while fostering the next generation of creative minds through student tutoring. This symbiotic approach keeps my skills sharp and ignites a passion for design in future professionals.


This section is about my skills and Knowledge


nextjs logo
react js logoReact Js
typescript logoTypescript
next js logoJavaScript
html logoHTML
css logoCSS
PHP logo
express js logoExpress Js
mongodb logoMongoDB
vue js logo
node js logo
angular logoAngular
angular logoSvelte
tailwindcss logoTailwind
bootstrap logoBootStrap
sass logo
laravel logoLaravel
turso logo
& More


Adobe_Photoshop_CC_icon logoPhotoshop
Adobe_Illustrator_CC_icon logoIllustrator
Adobe_InDesign_CC_icon logoIndesign
CorelDraw logoCorelDraw
figma logoFigma
Adobe_XD_CC_icon logoAdobeXD
& More


This section is about my project